Wednesday, August 20, 2008

kick off

Just started with the FT2232D chip of the new FTDI USB generation. I tried to order a development kit but the order never came trough so I cancelled it. Meanwhile I wrote some hardware specification to build my own board that easily interfaces my I2C IO board. I already did some first tests with a VC program and the FTDI dedicated DLL to have a first impression on performance. I did these tests with a ft232 chip of the previous generation. One USB call via the DLL api takes a minimum time of 2ms. This is acceptable however. So I continued my strategy in using this chip targeted for I2C communication. So it can be used together with my IO board. This means of course that the final application will be running on a PC platform. I'm not sure yet if the OS will be windows or linux because FTDI drivers are provided for several possible operating systems. But I start my development on windows for a start.

The PCB layout will soon be in production.
Attached to this blog the drawing of the customized pcb. As soon it's soldered properly I post a picture. Further news will follow as we go ahead !

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