Saturday, October 17, 2009

brand new approach

As you could read in my previous stories there were a few issues using the FTDI in bit bang mode. The most important one was the minimum latency of 2ms to send a few bytes and converting them to I2C protocol. Now I took a totally different approach in using the FTDI chip as a usual USB to RS232 converter. I used the latest FTDI chip series FT2232H as I had the opportunity with this huge change. This chip has 4096 byte buffers on board and can have speeds of more than 4M bit a second. Because I use the chip pure as RS232 device I had to make the I2C with something else of course. And guess what , I took the STM32 to do this job. I have quit some experience now with this MCU that I challenged myself to interface it with the FTDI chip. So the USB2I2C bridge came finally to an end. I will use it as a gateway in my dimmer project ( see my other blogs ) On the picture you can see the final result. I will post the schematics later on and will tell a bit on speeds too.

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